Until now, Lange's criticism has
touched Wolffian cosmology: Lange explicitly indicated that he would
ignore ontology, because Daniel Strähler had earlier reviewed it
thoroughly enough. Next in Lange's line of investigation is then
psychology or the study of human soul. Lange's general line of
attack is again to claim that Wolff tries to combine idealism and
materialism with disastrous results. It takes no genius to guess that
Lange is speaking of the topic of pre-established harmony between
souls and bodies.
The idealistic feature of
pre-established harmony lies in the complete independence of soul
from body – bodies cannot affect soul in any manner. Lange points
out some obvious incredulities in this notion: for instance, if
nothing outside couldn't have affected me, I can't have learnt
anything, but instead all my knowledge has mysteriously awakened
within my soul.
The idealistic side of the
pre-established harmony is only ridiculous in Lange's eyes, and it is
the materialistic or deterministic side that Lange finds truly
worrisome. Even though bodies cannot literally affect soul, the order
of bodily events is mirrored in all details by the order of mental
events. Now, because the bodily events occur in the deterministic
material world, it appears that the changes in the soul must also be
deterministic. True, soul would not be determined by external events,
but it would still be internally determined by its own states.
Lange suggests that the determinism of
soul is implicit already in Wolff's notion of the soul. Wolff thinks
that the central element of soul is its force of representing
external reality. Here Wolff clearly emphasizes the cognitive side of
soul and especially mere passive cognition of the deterministic world
outside human influence. What is then ignored is the volitional side
of humans – there are no real choices, because human soul just
follows automatically the course which has the weightiest motives. Human mind is just like a computer that has been programmed to strive for certain things, and given the situation, the mind will act in a way that will be beneficial for achieving those goals.
Similar faults Lange finds also in
Wolff's notion of the infinite spirit or God, as we shall see next
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