After Wittgenstein and the linguistic
turn in the philosophy it is hard to remember that there was a time
when there was no philosophy of language to speak of, at least beside
few passing remarks. What little discussion of language there was,
happened usually within another discipline, like logic or psychology.
Thus, in Wolff's German logic, we find a whole chapter dedicated on
the issue of words.
We have already seen Wolff telling how
words are one means for representing things and thus could be used as
one possible type of concepts in addition to mental images. A
definition of words was still lacking, but Wolff is quick to provide
us with one: words are signs for our thoughts that we use in
communicating our thoughts to other people.
The role of communication is important
in Wolff's definition. While the analytic philosophy of language
began from semantic considerations, Wolff's starting point would be
pragmatics, that is, the use of language in a concrete context of
human communication. Thus, Wolff begins from the question of how a
person can understand what the other is saying: firstly, Wolff says,
the speaking person must think with the word a certain concept and
the listener must think the exact same concept through the same word.
More important than the actual
definition of mutual understanding is that the meaning of the word or
the concept connected with it is then based on this universal
communicability and it is not just assumed that words have some
meaning. Thus, the semantics does not just float about without any
anchor to the actual communication. I think that in analytic
philosophy it was only Paul Grice who first thought of doing this –
time would have been saved, if Frege and Russell had read some Wolff.
A consistent and subject-independent
meaning is then something that is not instantly given. Instead, the
meaning of the words must be decided in an interaction between
speakers. This pragmatic nature of semantics leaves room for possible
misunderstandings and arguments over the meaning of the words.
But it is not just other people's
understanding of the words used that a speaker may fail to connect
with. In addition, a speaker might connect no concepts with the words
she pronounces. This lack of meaning is made possible by the
difference between the phonological form of the word and the
reference of the word. Thus, a person can well know the word in the
sense that she has heard people using it and knows how to pronounce
it, but she might not know what the word conveys, just like a
theologician who has heard the word ”trinity” a lot during his
studies and has so learned to use the word regularly, although he has
no clear concept of the reference of the word – although Wolff is
quick to admit that someone else might have this clear concept.
The most crucial lack in Wolffian
philosophy of language is that Wolff provides us with no theory of
how meaning of the words is carried into the meaning of sentences. He
merely makes the analogy that as concepts are to words, such are
Urtheil or judgements as
unions of concepts to Satz or
sentences as unions of words, and even here Wolff appears to ignore
the distinction at times.
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